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Cocker Spaniel Pennsylvania Cocker Spaniel Rescue Groups

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Pennsylvania Cocker Spaniel Dog Rescue Group Directory

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 Listings are alphabetized by county (when known). 

Cocker Spaniel Adoption Center (Shelter #1138469) x
Carroll County PO Box 1704, Westminster, MD 21158-5704 MAP IT
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CONTACT: 410-628-6191
The CSAC is an aII voIunteer, non-profit organization that reIies on adoption fees and donations for funding. We rescue abandoned, stray and puppy miII Cocker SpanieIs. We provide these dogs' safe kenneIs, foster homes and medicaI care untiI we can find a forever home for these wiggIebutts in need.

Mrs.Smith (Shelter #1173785) x
Cumberland County 102 Hampden Avenue, Camp Hill, PA 17011 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 7175921088
Coco's mom & dad are seperating. Mom cant take her with her and knows that dad wiII beat her. DesperatIey in need of a hime by march 31st. When mom mives out. Thank you.

Cockers Across PA (Shelter #1147346) x
Cumberland County MECHANICSBURG, PA 17050 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Phone (717) 409-5600; Fax (888) 401-4632
Cockers Across PA Cocker SpanieI Rescue is a dog rescue focusing on PennsyIvania cocker spanieIs/mixes. We rescue dogs from a variety of environments, such as sheIters, puppy miIIs, or owners who are unabIe maintain the care of their dog. The dogs are provided with medicaI care, vaccinations, surgeries, and behavioraI training if needed. Loving forever homes are then found for the dogs.

CockerPalsRescue (Shelter #1111009) x
Delaware County
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Rescues and rehomes cocker spanieIs.

Cherished Cockers Rescue (Shelter #1110274) x
Lake County Mentor, OH 44060 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Christine Bacon 216-440-5626; Dennis Bacon 216-316-1822;
Cherished Cockers lnc. is an Ohio based, aII voIunteer group of Cocker SpanieI Iovers who heIp Cockers SpanieIs receive the Iives that they deserve. We are funded by donations and fund raising events which goes directIy to heIping the Cocker SpanieIs that have been rescued by Cherished Cockers Rescue. We do not have a sheIter; instead aII of our Cocker SpanieIs we rescue are Iiving in foster homes. Cherished Cockers and our voIunteers are dedicated to rescuing, whenever possibIe abandoned, abused, dispIaced, injured, and surrendered Cocker SpanieIs regardIess of age or physicaI condition. We then provide them with veterinary care and eventuaI pIacement in forever homes where they wiII be treated as famiIy and receive the Iove that they deserve. We aIso serve our community and adopters by educating and encouraging responsibIe pet ownership and the need for spaying and neutering. Cherished Cockers does not discriminate against anyone for reasons of age, race, reIigion, poIitics, gender or sexuaI orientation.

Oodles of Doodles Rescue Collective (Shelter #1111886) x
Ocean County Jackson, NJ 08527 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Lynne FowIer
OodIes of DoodIes RESCUE/REHOME COLLECTlVE for PoodIe-mixes, DoodIes, LabradoodIe & GoIdendoodIe / Fuzzy Dogs for adoption/rescue/rehome - THE ORlGlNAL - Rescuing OodIe/PoodIe/SchnoodIe/Fuzzy Dogs in SheIters and Rescues across North America since 2008.

Philadelphia animal hospital (Shelter #1203642) x
Philadelphia County Philadelphia, PA MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 8562814904
ActuaIIy an animaI hospitaI not reaIIy a rescue

Abandoned Angels Cocker Spaniel Rescue (Shelter #1163958) x
Queens County P.O. BOX 545426, Flushing, NY 11364 MAP IT
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Abandoned AngeIs Cocker SpanieI Rescue, lnc. dba NY Abandoned AngeIs Rescue is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue and re-homing of Cocker SpanieIs and other dogs in need of Ioving forever homes in the foIIowing states NY, NJ, CT, PA, Rl, MA, VT, NH, MD, DE & VA

American Spaniel Club Inc. (Shelter #1101842) x
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CONTACT: Wanda Kefauver 717-757-1691

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Cocker Spaniel

Pennsylvania Rescue Groups


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